Top Ways You Can Improve Your IAQ


Top Ways You Can Improve Your IAQ

(510) 288-5563

  1. Spending more time thinking about the health of your indoor air?

  2. Of the many ways to keep your indoor air cleaner, here are the top 5 things you can do yourself!

  3. Keep your home clean, especially if you have pets (and don’t overuse any chemical cleaners!)

  4. Change your air filters regularly (at least every 90 days, depending on the manufacturer)

  5. Schedule regular maintenance and repairs for your home heating and cooling system

  6. Learn where your home is losing energy and allowing outside contaminants to infiltrate by scheduling an energy audit

  7. An energy audit can help determine if your home is in need of additional air purification, like UV light air purifiers. 

  8. For help with all of this and just about anything else related to your indoor air quality, get in touch with Hassler Home Services

  9. Schedule your energy audit today, and ask how we can help your indoor air quality

Looking for more tips on how to increase your home comfort?


(510) 288-5563