California’s All-Electric Future


California’s All-Electric Future

(510) 288-5563

What is electrification, and what does it mean for your California home? Electrification is the process of swapping appliances that run on oil or gas for appliances that use only electricity.

Switching to electricity reduces the need for fossil fuels, allowing Californians to use more renewable energy in their homes. 

Electrification does not have to happen all at once, but it is an integral part of helping California reach its carbon goals. Currently, there are financial incentives available for all-electric home appliances, like:

  • Heat pump water heaters
  • Ductless mini splits
  • Ducted heat pumps 

These rebates also extend to home efficiency upgrades that will help minimize your overall energy use, like air sealing and insulation replacement. With natural gas lines being capped all over the state, now is the time to start your switch to an all-electric home!

Call Hassler today at (510) 288-5563 about how you can start your electrification process today!